



2008.4.22 03:10 産経ニュース
... 大気汚染や廃棄物の増加といった環境問題を考える「アースデー」がこの日始まり、... ヒッピー文化たけなわだった当時の米国では大学生らの共感を呼び、全米各地で計2000万人が集会などに参加した。//

// アースデー:温暖化防止など“輪”を広げよう にぎわう奈良公園 /奈良
世界中で地球のことを考えるアースデー(4月22日)に合わせて、「アースデイ奈良2008」...「奈良公園から広げようアースデイの“わ” 輪・和・環」をテーマに、自然の素材を使った食品や衣服の販売や、太陽光を使った調理器具の実演があった。自転車の発電機でファンを回し、パイプに入ったボールを浮かばせるコーナーでは、子どもたちが息を切らしてペダルをこいでいた。//

環境守ろう 西部地区「アースデイ函館」 写真展など多彩に
04/21 14:08 北海道新聞

"Don't call me hippy
cause the way that I look ,
Cause I got a recipe
and you know I can cook ...

... friends up in a tree in Northcliff
You know they're doing their part
you know they're doing their bit.
save our Mother from all this greed"

// John Butler Trio - Treat Yo Mama

Don't call me hippy cause the way that I look ,
Cause I got a recipe and you know I can cook
And I come forth with only good intent,
You know I am Heaven bound but I'm surely hell bent
On getting the job done like I know I should,
Get the job done like my momma told me to.

Only one thing can remember she said,
You gotta earn all of your respect.

And I don't care what race or what colour or what creed
All that shit don't bother me,
Only one thing that you should not forget ,
You gotta treat you mama with respect
And I don't care what fashion the styling of you hair,
I don't care about the car or the clothes you do wear.

Only one thing that you should not forget ,
You gotta treat yo mama with respect.

Treat yo mama with little respect
You better treat yo mama with respect
Slap you upside down the head
You gonna treat yo mama with respect

I got a couple of friends up in a tree in Northcliff
You know they're doing their part
you know they're doing their bit.
Trying to save our Mother from all this greed
You know they know what she wants,
you know they know what she needs.
I got a couple of sisters in South Australia,
Stopping the Uranium from coming up,
Oh yeah man you know they know what she needs
They're stopping all of that government corporate greed!


John Butler Trio


