
キャリクファーガス (Carrickfergus)

Carrickfergus - Declan GalbraithCarrickfergus - Charlotte Church





// Carrickfergus

Irish: Carraig Fhearghais

District (pop., 2001: 37,659), northeastern Northern Ireland.

Established in 1974, it lies on Belfast Lough. The name, meaning “rock of Fergus,” commemorates King Fergus, shipwrecked off the coast c. AD 320. Carrickfergus town (pop., 1991: 22,786) is the district seat. Carrickfergus Castle, a relic of the Norman period, sits on a crag above the town; it was a refuge for the Protestants of Antrim in the English Civil Wars.//





トラリーのバラ (The Rose Of Tralee)

// The Rose of Tralee
How The Ballad Came To Be

One of Ireland's most popular songs was written by William Pembroke Mulchinock who fell in love with one Mary O'Connor, a maid in service to his parents. Fact or fiction, the following account, which was compiled from various sources, tells of an unrequited romance between a wealthy Protestant lad and a poor Catholic colleen.//

    蒼い月は 山から昇り
    日は落つる 海が青い
    君と逸る 泉が浄い
    トラリーの谷で 美しい
    (「トラリーのバラ」の歌詞より。意訳: 三千絵)

// Charles William Glover, (1797-1868)?(1806-1863)?
before 1850 by: C. Mordaunt Spencer,
†1888 or William Pembroke Mulchinock


1. The pale moon was rising above yon green mountain,
The sun was declining beneath the blue sea,
When I strayed with my love to the pure crystal fountain,
That stands in the beautiful vale of Tralee.

She was lovely and fair, as the rose of the summer,
Yet t'was not her beauty alone that won me.
Oh no, t'was the truth in her eye ever dawning,
That made me love Mary, the Rose of Tralee!

2. The cool shades of evening their mantle were spreading,
And Mary, all smiling, stood list'ning to me,
The moon through the valley her pale rays was shedding,
When I won the heart of the Rose of Tralee.

Chorus: Added later, perhaps by the original author.

In the far fields of India, 'mid wars dreadful thunder,
Her voice was a solace and comfort to me,
But the chill hand of death has now rent us asunder,
I'm lonely tonight for the Rose of Tralee.






モリー・マローン (Molly Malone)

Molly Malone


In Dublin's fair city,
Where girls are so pretty,
I first set my eyes on
sweet Molly Malone,
As she pushed her wheelbarrow
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels,
alive, alive oh!"

Alive, alive oh! alive, alive oh!
Crying, "Cockles and mussels,
alive, alive oh!"

Now she was a fishmonger,
And sure twas no wonder,
For so were her mother
and father before,
And they each wheeled their barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels,
alive, alive oh!"

She died of a fever,
And no one could save her,
And that was the end of
sweet Molly Malone.
Now her ghost wheels her barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels,
alive, alive oh!

// Irish Historical Mysteries: Molly Malone

As well as being known and sung internationally, the popular song 'Cockles and Mussels' has become a sort of unofficial anthem of Dublin city. The song's tragic heroine Molly Malone and her barrow have come to stand as one of the most familiar symbols of the capital. In addition, Molly's international pulling power is shown by the fact that she scores hundreds of 'hits' on the Internet, many of them relating to 'Irish pubs' bearing her name. It seems perfectly natural therefore that Molly should have been commemorated by erecting a statue to her in Dublin, which monument has become a familiar landmark at the corner of Grafton Street and Suffolk Street. Let us now travel back in time to see what we can find out about the real Molly Malone.

// The Irish Diaspora

During the years of 1845 to 1850, Ireland suffered through a terrible famine. At the end of it, fully one quarter of the population had died, and half had emigrated all over the world, but especially to America.

Once established in other parts of the world, this Irish population started looking back to its roots, including the traditional forms of music. The locus of social interaction had changed from homes and churches to the local pub, where musicians would meet after the work day and exchange tunes.

// Molly Malones Irish Pub encapsulates the authentic Irish atmosphere, bringing a considerable slice of Ireland to Townsville, North Queensland.

// Molly Malone's - Authentic Irish Pub
ヨーロッパの代表格・ドラフト・ギネスを初めとする豊富なドリンクと本場のアイリッシュ料理を本場の雰囲気でお楽しみください。.... 心に響く伝統的なアイリッシュ音楽と共に、忘れられないアイリッシュパブ体験をしてみませんか?







2008.4.22 03:10 産経ニュース
... 大気汚染や廃棄物の増加といった環境問題を考える「アースデー」がこの日始まり、... ヒッピー文化たけなわだった当時の米国では大学生らの共感を呼び、全米各地で計2000万人が集会などに参加した。//

// アースデー:温暖化防止など“輪”を広げよう にぎわう奈良公園 /奈良
世界中で地球のことを考えるアースデー(4月22日)に合わせて、「アースデイ奈良2008」...「奈良公園から広げようアースデイの“わ” 輪・和・環」をテーマに、自然の素材を使った食品や衣服の販売や、太陽光を使った調理器具の実演があった。自転車の発電機でファンを回し、パイプに入ったボールを浮かばせるコーナーでは、子どもたちが息を切らしてペダルをこいでいた。//

環境守ろう 西部地区「アースデイ函館」 写真展など多彩に
04/21 14:08 北海道新聞

"Don't call me hippy
cause the way that I look ,
Cause I got a recipe
and you know I can cook ...

... friends up in a tree in Northcliff
You know they're doing their part
you know they're doing their bit.
save our Mother from all this greed"

// John Butler Trio - Treat Yo Mama

Don't call me hippy cause the way that I look ,
Cause I got a recipe and you know I can cook
And I come forth with only good intent,
You know I am Heaven bound but I'm surely hell bent
On getting the job done like I know I should,
Get the job done like my momma told me to.

Only one thing can remember she said,
You gotta earn all of your respect.

And I don't care what race or what colour or what creed
All that shit don't bother me,
Only one thing that you should not forget ,
You gotta treat you mama with respect
And I don't care what fashion the styling of you hair,
I don't care about the car or the clothes you do wear.

Only one thing that you should not forget ,
You gotta treat yo mama with respect.

Treat yo mama with little respect
You better treat yo mama with respect
Slap you upside down the head
You gonna treat yo mama with respect

I got a couple of friends up in a tree in Northcliff
You know they're doing their part
you know they're doing their bit.
Trying to save our Mother from all this greed
You know they know what she wants,
you know they know what she needs.
I got a couple of sisters in South Australia,
Stopping the Uranium from coming up,
Oh yeah man you know they know what she needs
They're stopping all of that government corporate greed!


John Butler Trio





流刑地のブッシュ・タッカー(bush tucker)

National Library of Australia

Alexander Pearce: convict and cannibal

In 1822, Pearce and seven other convicts escaped from the penal colony of Macquarie Harbour and headed east across the mountains toward Hobart ....

A Tale They Won't Believe


We left Macquarie Harbour it was in the pouring rain
none of us quite sure if we would see England again
some fool muttered death or liberty
and as the days went by you know OUR HUNGER QUICKLY GREW

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomaches they were grumbling all through the night so dark
we were only trying to KEEP OUR SELVES ALIVE
but when the sun came up next morning

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

All five of us were nervous and I'll tell you that’s a fact
bu you should have seen the bastard who was carrying the axe
He was a sick man he had murder in his heart

And then we reached the Franklin River, and it took two days to cross
we were wet and almost starvin’ and for food we’re at a loss
we were hungry men with murder on our minds.

So that night we made a fire out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were rumbling all through the night so dark,
and when the sun came up next morning

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Well the four of us kept on marching to a place called western teirs
A country full of tasty game but for us there was no cheer
we had no guns we were traveling without
but the axe it loomed so ominous and his hand was at play
a sick man is a type of game which can not run away
so stay yourself for the hand that is without

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark
I can't say I feel guilty AFTER ALL IT WASN'T ME
but when the sun came up next morning

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

well the three of us kept on moving but one was fading fast
he had been bitten by a snake and you could see he would not last
stay easy my good man your time is at hand
and when he could last no longer his days were fading fast
we were far to weak to carry him subsistency comes first
stay easy my good man your time is at hand

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark
It was a messy job but IT WAS ONE WE HAD TO DO
but when the sun came up next morning

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Now he had been looking at me funny, sort of eyeing me for days,
And you would not need to be too bright to know that bastard’s ways:
He was a sick man, he had murder in his heart.
But even bastards have to rest, and even bastards have to sleep,
And when he was in the land of Nod straight over I did creep,
and the axe that he had wielded now was mine.

So that night, I made the fire, out of twigs and out of bark,
and my stomach it kept rumbling all through the night so dark.
I can’t say that I enjoyed it, AND IT WASN’T EXACTLY FUN,
but when the sun came up next morning,

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Well now history is a pack of lies, as any fool can tell,
So when I got down to Hobart town I told my story well,
But do you think they would believe one word I said?
For they thought that I was covering for my mates still at large,
Said they’d be roaming in the bush so wild and free,
And back to old Macquarie Harbour they sent me

But I remember the fires made out of twigs and made of bark
and my stomachs it was grumbling all through the night so dark
and HE LOOKED SO UTTERLY TASTY I just could not help it singing

And I said, right there’s another one, DON’T YOU FROWN,
CHEW THE MEAT AND HOLD IT DOWN, It’s a tale they won’t believe





I Still Call Australia Home - Qantas Choir

Qantas - I Still Call Australia Home

National Boys Choir of Australia

Australian Girls Choir

I Still Call Australia Home (I)I Still Call Australia Home (II)





Weep You No More Sad Fountains

Weep You No More Sad Fountains

From Sense & Sensibility
Cinema Choral Classics II version

Written by: Patrick Doyle
The Patrick Doyle Archive
About Patrick Doyle


Weepe you no more sad fountaines,
What need you flowe so fast,
Looke how the snowie mountaines,
Heav'ns sunne doth gently waste.

But my sunnes heav'nly eyes
View not your weeping.
That now lie sleeping, that now lie sleeping,
Softly softly
That now softly lies sleeping.

Sleepe is a reconciling,
A rest that peace begets:
Doth not the sunne rise smiling,
When faire at ev'n he sets,
Rest you then, rest, sad eyes,
Melt not in weeping,
While she lies sleeping, while she lies sleeping,
Softly softly
That now softly lies sleeping.


I Saw My Lady Weep

I Saw My Lady Weep

Performed by:
Valeria Mignaco, Soprano
Alfonso Marin, lute

Written by:
John Dowland
(1563 - February 20, 1626)


I saw my Lady weepe,
And sorrow proud to bee aduanced so :
In those faire eies where all perfections keepe,
Hir face was full of woe,
But such a woe (beleeue me) as wins more hearts,
Than mirth can doe, with hir intysing parts.

Sorrow was there made faire,
And passion wise, teares a delightfull thing,
Silence beyond all speech a wisdome rare,
Shee made her sighes to sing,
And all things with so sweet a sadnesse moue,
As made my heart at once both grieue and loue.

O fayrer than ought ells,
The world can shew, leaue of in time to grieue,
Inough, inough, your ioyfull lookes excells,
Teares kills the heart belieue,
O striue not to bee excellent in woe,
Which onely breeds your beauties ouerthrow.



John Dowland


// Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: John Dowland

(born 1562/63, Westminster, London, Eng. — died Jan. 21, 1626, London) English composer and lutenist. Educated at Oxford, he was refused a court position in 1594 and, believing his adoptive Catholicism had been the cause, he left for the continent. There he traveled extensively and took a position at the Danish court. In 1612, when his compositions had made him famous, he was finally appointed lutenist to the English court.//

Peo Kindgren plays
John Dowland's Lachrimae Pavan
Alfred Deller sings
"Flow my tears"


// Romeo and Juliet,


Why such is loues transgression.

Griefes of mine owne lie heauie in my breast,

Which thou wilt propagate to haue it preast

With more of thine, this loue that thou hast showne,

Doth adde more griefe, to too much of mine owne.

Loue, is a smoake made with the fume of sighes,


// Lyrics - "Flow My Tears"

Flow my tears fall from your springs,
Exilded for euer : let mee mourne,
Where nightes black bird hir sad infamy sings,
There let mee liue forlorne.

Downe vaine lightes shine you no more,
No nightes are dark enough for those
That in dispaire their lost fortuns deplore,
Light doth but shame disclose.

Neuer may my woes be relieued,
Since pittie is fled,
And teares and sighes and grones my wearie dayes
Of all ioyes haue depriued.

From the highest spire of contentment
My fortune is throwne,
And feare and griefe and paine for my deserts
Are my hopes since hope is gone.

Harke you shadowes that in darkness dwell,
Learne to contemne light
Happie happy they that in hell
Feele not the worlds despite.




山本恭司 & 寺田恵子

山本恭司 & 高中正義 - 悲しみの恋人達
Jeff Beck - Cause We've Ended as Lovers









リリース: 1989年2月1日

SHOW-YA メンバー

  • 寺田恵子 - ボーカル

  • 中村美紀 - キーボード、コーラス、リーダー

  • 五十嵐sun-go美貴 - ギター、コーラス

  • 角田mittan美喜 - ドラム、コーラス

  • 仙波さとみ - ベース、コーラス

  • Steffanie Borgeous - ボーカル